Sunday, December 28, 2008

plow fields

world moves in as darkness falls
with rippling jaws, itching fingers and arms,
on a shivering carcass glistened moonlit red
with window-pane reflection stains'
incandescence 'cross the ruby spread.

these necks craned down and knotted round between
the shifty glances, shoulder-to-shoulder in frantic
sport, as they feed upon the steaming body's pulp
growl hesitant and touch eyes menacing across the
cadaver divide.

one can only watch the madness strewn across this
factory floor from which we're borne
with grim determination
to destroy the fray
to shy away to
die to hold a
second thought a waste of time.

Monday, December 22, 2008


a few painful gulps with eyes clenched around
the unthinkable drought that about brings this irritable quench;
ripping acidic, a dry taste remains, and a burning bubbling boil at the pit of its stay.
a vigor, it's instant in thought and in vision, it seasons a groan and the highest ambitions,
but it drig drags downward, and whispers to us,
and mutters with tuts and godly apologies,
and a bright crimson glow that condemns across a chapped cheek.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


the sky breaks with the promise of day as
blubbering gusts raze the goldswept land rustling the
curled paper chimes, and swinging along beside the sunbaked street
signs aligned across from every corner to every other;

somewhere birds are softly coughing from the height of branches
shading the swaying grass to the rhythm of the blue note jazz.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

o god

egad, the blinding terror of
passionate, fleeting moments
transcending reality in all of the
fury and truth and joy,
and flying the
living daylights from the
eyes of the waking dead

Monday, December 1, 2008

of avering

lines across the sky and down
and down the street, into the ground
or down the street and up again to scar the
starkest stars that drift among the ruddy clouds
along the listless lights that line the sidewalk
tile paths along the roadways' funnel, past the overpass
and under bridges until they meet to end in dry dirt

the grid elapse the span of us in
every kind of conceivable quantity,
a-shed of all the unbeknownst to ride upon
the height of omniscient ghosts