Monday, May 25, 2009


only now can i see the things i've missed
and every time i read again will i remember what has passed
and what is there but there to know
of world and man and lastly self?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

touch the sky

diamonds sing something fruitful brings
sun shining gleam across the chariot race's dented rim;
without itself it quiets down and settles in some
unknown town
but now it crows its mighty wind jostles the
assorted wigs and tablecloths aside the
dusty curbed street miles' line

man's modern interjects his
empty nest a foreign debt;
his crowded alley holds the weight of all
the world's gone wistful dead

his bird has flown, her eyes ablaze
is upside forth and backward gaze.
the anchor huddled her callous wrists?
as she tears away, she tears from his.

the arms they bore held open no more,
but for sake of sake, the ground's embrace:
and for all the doubt we live within
the disappointment leaves a taste