Saturday, May 22, 2010

watches you read

self inflicted wisconsin riots, the worst kind;
kick up troubles exhausting softly, gravitas and climate,
arms length in rubber pockets fumbling after
westernized weapons and traumatic moments of transcendence.
all the time humming and mumbling lyrics to the dissociative melodies and self mantradictions sipping afternoon bay breezes with kiwi twists;
I.C. rolling miles why-not lined with yellow demarcation, winding ever diminishing concentrations, casting aspersions, taking granted,
holding yourself in the breeze
hands calming fluttering old wool cardigan
we'll well tire out our wheels tomorrow
but terrible time to start talking now

i cant deliver in this medium
or modernize it, make it clever, captivating like
a scorching laser bolt sewn across movie screen
flickers in a smoky theater
our drippy sullen voices
and cheerful light trills choke around the toughened
and squeak our teeth they slip around our formed
exhalations bound to upset
a rapture shake a dream stir cotton mouthed and
tangled in blankets
unhealthy truth of beauty when of course seen better
lords and lands and bowls of bread dipped in honey with nicer

cmon you crazy mind
shake your needles pine dripping green sticks leaping as they hit the sweet
clean gravity we live and breathe
low budget charm cant save this waste of talent time money effort

you and me had questions to toss junking soccer kicks across
dustied fields in sunset schemas torn goal nets and dented posts
but i suppose ill juggle solitaire as the dusk sweeps us aside

Sunday, May 9, 2010

hidden empire

all of these worlds are hidden from me, the ones i hear
from names and objects far away, books i haven't time for
bombs have dropped on names i can't pronounce for the
life of me, goodness gracious living disconnections
the local parish redolent with confessions unloaded and slates
cleaned wipe on a daily basis, ablutions absolutions and numbness
regarded with apropos misery

people know too much about adolf hitler
and not know about edward bernays
leo strauss or sayyid qutb

but hey baby trippy be happy the sun
shines down on trees and plants
the grays fade on and shade with age
and new days bring new things to hate