Tuesday, July 27, 2010

yeah so

offic. done with jersey
intertwining in competitive struggles for sunlight
in morning flashes birds jump from telly wires shaking raindrops off the cables
erasing piercing eyes in springfield glades laying blame for
dog park fights
come, quickly
hands clasped train rides

like beaches i don't care for,
accolades in grassy fields i didn't receive
but the sun breaking through bamboo leaves
or smoke weaving on mossy rocks midmorningtime with
leatherclad brightheads rocking blast from and to the
pizza places by burnt-down schools,
satellites ignited against grand detachment,
nutrition info on cereal boxes, bleeding lines of soggy
newsprint, and that glorious glowing tube.
i took part in dream borne myths invented (to me, at least)
every morning slipped through my fingers overwhelming my senses

she writes me sometimes with the shitty blue scrawl
of an erasable pen, sifting through routine phrases
and polaroid photo references from memories half visiting me
and i'm not so interested as i am self-destructive or something so
her taste in music is odd and she still goes to church even though we're
in our mid-20's
we're working through anxieties at the speed of cigarettes
but she and i should never meet again

heres to you kentucky blue
and afternoons exacting gallons
paid with common hands and eyes
drive round roadside graves defended by
coat black iron fences and gates
freshly painted by local brownskinned men and boys
from the bottom up in exchange for food and favors
wide and varying from fifty five bucks to a few more minutes of noise

bad news sports fans
things kicked up have died
down now
we've spread ourselves
out by the pond
for hungry ducks and
drunken swans
scrambling spit to stutter
fits of guilt from the comfort
of leather sofas and kingly wit

sunsoaked fields pitch dark in tar
so much of what frustrated us
burnt into linguistic magic tricks and
red leather contradictionaries
and new taxes pushing smoky sighs to
10 bucks a pack
gimme a break
i dont care what your man says
about that

new cities are shearing my limbs off
bending me to every rigid angle of manmade geometric harmony
plaster molded to new niceties duly carried out daily
while fat new pictures kill off my only warm memories
relegated to the comforts of sheer freedom and terror
fading like cascading rain
but when they told me about all the beautiful people
i didn't realize i'd have to talk to em

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

all morning rain bitches on my neck haunting
notes and jotting phrases i cant read
im still crusted with dreams
i was visited by silent girls staring straight on to the
horizon and i couldnt
get them to pay attention

today again ill endure a city of men without brides
blanking hard stone memories in the shades of dusty bridges
hiding from the horizon slide sinking below the
black river water rippling horsemen hooves
rhythm 32nd note beats

thank god we've uprooted the rest of these silken ties, they were blowing like
flies in the wind here in the clouds of my mind
now it's all anchors up for us:
i've seen the news picked out another imagined self
freshly fried and frozen for the microwave crowd
packed like sardines for breathing room and bragging rights
chasing after the inevitable growing pains
that come with life and love and madness

washed out blues come
easy with age
no more
pretending anything, or
wallowing and searching
for pity and purposes
once missed over,
once felt lost
now paid no mind
by hidden eyes or
all old comrades, come and gone