Sunday, June 10, 2012


i've missed how
neatly i slip through you
and miss the bits we
never mention,
boring every second
in my soul, drying eyes
to the tune of mothers
sliding past the plans
they laid, rapt attention,
simple plays mad men relayed
between their vivid
orders, sorted by the
sordid fantasies they've
recalled, floating
in their dreams. but fortune
cannot find everything--
leaving quite a bit neglected,
voyeuristic demigods
comment on their
imperfections. every day

works  the gap between my
heart and mind,
and we celebrate with grace
the simple-measured melodies
we easily leave behind


nothing remains but the web to be seen--you've cast
on me, i can't believe, but i spin my own to deceive
the wrinkled murmurs sharpening in me,
the oracle devised a memorable moment i've
held onto for hours then transformed
into aching years, the smile of a churning mile soaring
for the journey it understands and follows--
missions to help me believe in this, because i know longer see it--
oaths gone on sworn, born, and unsung,
the paranoid remember me as reminiscent
of their dreams--
but i can't empty out my depths to
compensate for emptiness-- after i'm
wasted i'm only spent, day to morning
back to attention's teat,
sipping and dying,
sustaining the simple lies gently
working their soothing magic
and letting me sleep.