Tuesday, October 9, 2012


up and stood against a bare backdrop
with a steamy thigh high smile
colored in by context, style, gums and diction--
only remembering the puke paisley dreams of the sun settled
on the edge of where his vision stretched--
damn curved world--
cursed, and now still sick with worry.
please, we plead,
give me a second day to sort the honey from the tea
and compute all this
disorienting nonsense

Saturday, October 6, 2012

the world impressed i knew and felt
and remembered details never left
and miles gone the way of drinks
caloric wasted and left to sit
the world alone in cold and shade,
i've memorized the fields for days but
grains can die and sleep and reap
themselves to hell the morning's keep--
the dawn long gone tonight evolves into
the next fat steel red wrung and wrong
i've kept myself and faded away
the memories can only stay