Sunday, May 12, 2013

egrets part 2

i blew a rose from its sour petals
and felt the fold of its velvet lips,
encircling close around my sight,
smother me with its endless kiss

i felt it go when my hands held on
and muttered wishes against my goodbyes
it slipped like maps from parapets
and fluttered down to the ground from high

i keep the rain in mason jars
and tap its sides on arid days,
counting droplets down its walls in
my wish that all the passed would stay.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

the truth is

that no one ever wants to fall in love,
despite the deadly call of siren's falls from across the
murky silent depths offending
bridges and seeking lives to claim with
the driving sighs that rend our minds
and upset the carts that would have held
our precious fruits and grains, all of which goes let off,
soaking in the river's walls, down the mountain path and carving
ruts along my back

Monday, May 6, 2013


now permanent frost, tomorrow i can smile
wide and radiate like shoots of the sun
breathing through the cracks in the clouds sluggishly lugging
across the ovoid firmament, swarming the crowd with
puffs and struggles that bring them from day to day and back again

Friday, May 3, 2013


i am just so nicely stained
and relaxed in fit against some grain
by shepherds' flocks they slow maintain
the shearing wind their fleece enflame
in curls and knots, some miles high
the clouds whirled by mills touch
errant sky,
propriety reflect upon
my generic eyes
jeremiad sought in so
few lines