Thursday, October 20, 2011


i see you die for someone to know you
when your eyes flicker, newly guarded by clouds,
dim-lit and swallowed down into ether,
absorbed in daylight-- a suddenly spiraling recursive function,
wild and wet again, retreats into distances
misted by doubt.

your soft grin spreads when the waves
echo after you,
all gone lost in moments eternity holds onto,
gone again miles that slowly start replaying
and fixate upon the ghost of an image.

"she wears the cute dress,
cuts at the knee and neckline
heaving in the breeze,
with eyes that see and look like they believe.
she'd rather not smile, but
she can if she wants to--
and often does, when she's with me.
she has a blue jacket
and a scarf that she hides behind,
even though its only october.
i'd like the snowfall to hit hard
and fast,
just so i have an excuse to hold her."

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