Saturday, February 6, 2010

riding in cars was so easy in the
my hands stretched out to meet the gas station signs, bread and soup lines,
weaving through the winds soaking suns and easy rhymes
in their notions they sail the oceans and pound impressions upon the land
they tread
they find images in the books they've read,
and smooth out wrinkles and errant hairs with a moisturized hand and
and words in the sweetest sets;
they're sexy cool and bourgeois en el mejor modo posible
concomitant expectations that exceed themselves
and feed lacunae coil, ouroboros gorging
on its industrial flesh,
pale or glimmering or
awfully incandescent,
another product of a thousand years or more
of that proud progress into the unknown oblivion we call
western civilization

ruddy brown, we sit and scrounge the slowest chairs
on our hands our asses grow
broken unsung and largely unknown,
revealing but unappealing, verisimilar but pretty boring,
whisking a new century in our anxiety
mocking self-stroking literary circles 
and attitudes towards propriety

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