Sunday, February 7, 2010


syllogistically i am brazen bold upright citizen but w/o a home
for generations again I sold slaves and sailed the seas as
you did burned down houses lining the highway patterns
but in my absence had no say in the first wave of accusations that
tumble and knock those grocery bags out your hand
rippling your stupid metal shelves you're constantly around
handles flying and contents bouncing off down linoleum checkered tiles bishop
style fruits veggies what have you dammit
upset and dragged durm and strang i bartered souls for
another four scores in the vaulted halls of the pristine bricked church you
congregate and supplicate when we walk we lunch and spy our feet the sidewalk
melts beneath our shadows lies the street and beaches waves sand
the fluttering eyelids of a 2nd gen immigrate starry-eyed framed by beautiful tropical
backdrop palm trees and stuff etc. incensed upset not happy holding those golden reins and somehow smiling despite it all
free will and truth the devastate procure the self assuage our
magistrates pernicious representatives of a vicious salutation commencing
on that border fenced apart by guards asleep a beer in hand and dim TVs
shimmering with discolored spectacles shining fence is gateless and wandering across
that heavenly division between black and white the sky's
starry eyes glide past the acreage intended for the cream of the cash crop atop the
ivory towers that dot the landscape smelling salts and fighting tremors feeling the vapors and
holding handkerchiefs over their facial features visage obscured by years of sexy sunglasses scars and fake ass lip injections hinged fingers itching feels a millennium strong
a hand on the thigh of an assistant clown vagabond began bending over and dressing down on center stage wage slaved and processed content the hum of drowning droning
applause signs popping
my quiet ambition keeps a gun from my hand in my mouth parted teeth by the bedside stand
playful objections to insinuations perfected
gravity debunked by object lessons and case studies eurocentric free and responsible the drive of big terms encompassing collective survival
the fruit stand man with his dick in my hand mutters creative comforts and divines a grand plan
shakti in sanskrit at the tips of my fingers embroiled by the fenders of their political correctness
I stand behind the bane you've created in your resistance communities your orders abated whateverish the concepts your middle class mold abrogates intentions lovers once held burn the cinemas mend the fences and continue on reckless abandon the sense of the bashful incentive the words slow piped down smoke cleaned and devoid of sound a crushing silence miserates the participant's hand raised aloft despite the shuffling papers and that unpleasant unpleasant bell

dictate my rhythm and incorporate our prose scrutinize vocabulary downplay trivial
trivial trivial trivial things pursuits from boredom empowers our mundane idealogical suits the hands
we're dealt make mountains or waves or empty out pockets till the end of our days

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