Wednesday, March 31, 2010


astroturf for miles:
you, of course, had your say and disagreed,
but i kept seeing the revolting earth brimming with bright blue green
stripes of white reflecting off of hard plastic bodies in the punishing glow of those
stadium lights and angry fans

libido bound masses stirring affection
relegating their hatred for the outside world
freud was right; the ego and its own sees cause for fear
and desires redesigned by rapidly blinking text
mass produced cardboard paper faces, product placements
and everybody was happy, desires eating needs
breeding cultures of worry, self-conscious diagnosis soothed by
palliative democratic processes

i will not relinquish myself to the dogs of cheap commodities
and fierce slogans enrapturing the senses and severing ties wishy washy
minded burnt out and lopsided mild and unstained

days leap past like spent trains
eyes glazed over donuts burning in store
window displays
pressed and cut vinyl decals gleaming shadows
across grim tiles alternating in color maniacally spreading from
wall to wall arranged in duly gumstained sense of duty
hands snap fingers crack the mind breaks wracking
seemingly creature comforts and 401kays

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