Tuesday, April 13, 2010


its not right unless he looks the part
uptight and relevant realized and definite
smooth edges to a rugged shape rounded at the corners
but angled in the face determined outgoing
firm grip and all knowing would be nice
can he play the so and so does he speak in whatever
its not right unless he looks the part
keep it straight sit and make it sound smart
earning time spent wasted in the trenches
a bristol palin
squeaky clean and average
homely animosities
to pick up after one by three
feet subsidies
pleading boredom, whisking
trouble messy hands fumbling
calculated plays upsetting
damsels in array along the bleachers
rusting in the heavy rain

blocked off inside and clogged
in every channel.
hurried unsung and forgotten by semblances
of assemblies theyve established
codifying outlining internal memos detailing
the wherewithal how why and when perhaps
stumbling over what exactly remains

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